It's been a busy time recently for Aiste Gramantaite, A Short Epic About Love's lead actress, who is in the recently released and very successful Bridget Jones's Baby.

Aisle has been in the news lately in her native Lithuania where the media has been catching up on her career to date.  I was thrilled to see pictures of A Short Epic About Love appearing in many articles published there about her alongside her roles in productions as the Red Tent (trailer:: https://youtu.bexCNLqRc8CCA) and, of course, Bridget Jones's Baby ( and I'm looking forward to seeing her as the lead character in the new UK horror movie Seizure (trailer:, when it comes out in the UK (soon to be available in the US and Canada on DVD/CD, after its European festival run) and in many more to come!

Here is a link to one of the articles below: (with a lovely picture of Aiste in her role as 'Sofia' in A Short Epic About Love)